glad you liked it!
I, for one, enjoyed this game. Gosh, the it angers me that there are so many people here incapable of creating even a half-assed review such as mine. It fulfills the meaning of Newgrounds Assassin to the fullest! You kiddies below me wouldn't understand >:) Great game! I enjoyed playing it. Minimalist, but that's the way it should be, right?
Haha this one is almost nostalgic!
DROP DA BOMB! This is one of my favorite songs!
Damn I used to play this game ALL the time back when I discovered Assassin! It's a classic!
The ornament death was my favorite.
Tons of fun. Glad to see Mode 7's cracktro music in there XD
Reminds me of those FMV games on the Sega CD.
It's very interesting and addicting. I enjoyed it a lot, and Arin's voice was a great touch.
Joined on 9/19/11